Gary Dinkleman — ‘The White Wizard’ — Has Retired
Gary Dinkleman, known for his insightful counseling methods and as a long-time counselor at Burning Tree Ranch, retired in 2021. Gary helped hundreds of family members break the cycle of addiction. Gary lived in Illinois and while 3-years sober he worked at a grocery store. His sponsor started going to school to be a counselor […]
What Is the Relapse Cycle in Addiction?
The definition of relapse within addiction can be complex. We tend to view it as the moment when a sober individual returns to using their addictive substance again. A more precise definition would be that relapse refers to the process that leads a sober individual back to substance use. The relapse cycle is multidimensional and […]
The First 30 Days of Rehab
What are the first 30 days of rehab like? It depends. Often when going into rehab, clients need to go to detox. Medical detox is critical for people who are saturated with alcohol or drugs. Especially with alcohol withdrawal, clients can have seizures and even die. The First 30 Days of Rehab Up to the […]
What is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?
Ultimately, many symptoms of alcohol or drug withdrawal are the result of the effects that these chemicals have on the body and brain. In the first days and even weeks during withdrawal, different withdrawal symptoms may occur as a result of abruptly stopping taking a substance. The longer someone has abused drugs or alcohol, the […]
What to Do When Rehab Doesn’t Work
Oftentimes when we see a client who has successfully been admitted into Burning Tree Ranch, they have already had several treatment episodes. In extreme cases, we have seen some clients who have gone to more than three dozen treatment centers before making it to the Ranch. By this time, these clients are so resistant to […]
The Mental Impacts of Alcoholism on Individuals and Their Families
There are many things that set alcohol apart from other commonly abused substances, starting with the fact that alcohol is a perfectly legal drug. Unlike other drugs whose use could result in a lengthy prison stay, alcohol can be purchased just about anywhere, and buying it will not result in arrest or imprisonment. The legal […]
What is Addiction Treatment Resistance?
Treatment resistance is a term that describes someone who does not respond to usual treatment programs. Some people struggling with substance abuse or alcoholism have a difficult time staying sober by going to a 30-day addiction treatment center. You can say that they are resistant to the treatment. Some people are in a revolving door […]
What Is a Psychic Change and Why Is It Important?
Alcoholism is a devastating disease that destroys lives. It can be a very difficult process for those suffering from addiction and their families, but there are ways to recover and get your life back on track. A psychic change is what’s needed in order to achieve recovery and live a sober lifestyle. The Big Book […]
Addiction and Family: The Ultimate Guide on Addiction & Your Family
Learn about Addiction and How it Affects Your Family Having an addict in the family is a challenge for everyone involved. The addict lives a life of loneliness, isolation, and uncertainty with the ever-present threat of arrest, overdose, and death. And for the family members, life is uncertain as well, with midnight phone calls, pleas […]
6 Ways to Help an Addict Stop Using Drugs and Alcohol
It’s not easy to help a loved one struggling with substance use. There’s nothing that can just magically stop them from using drugs or drinking alcohol. However, that does not mean that there is nothing you can do to help. Start by Educating Yourself You can only see the symptoms if you know them. Until […]