Addiction Recovery and Child Custody

Addiction Recovery and Child Custody

Child custody battles can be messy and complex, and with the addition of substance abuse issues in one parent or both, the legality of the situation can overshadow the needs of the children.  Most parents with substance abuse disorder deeply love their children, and many fear that by seeking out treatment they will be giving […]

When Addicts Charm Their Way Through Treatment

When Addicts Charm Their Way Through Treatment

Although addiction can happen to anyone, and there is no single personality type that accompanies addiction, there are certain traits and attributes that commonly occur alongside addiction.  One personality profile that seems to show up often in treatment centers is the charming intellect. These are the people that charm the wits out of everyone they […]

5 Ways Being of Service Prevents Relapse

5 Ways Being of Service Prevents Relapse

Addiction can be a selfish disease.  People struggling with substance abuse may become self-centered to a certain degree to feed their addiction, and recovery requires an often-difficult transition back into a life of compassion.  The best way to grow and foster this compassion in your life is to find ways to be of service to […]

Nutrition and Recovery from Addiction

Nutrition and Recovery from Addiction

When we think about getting clean and sober, we are likely to imagine treatment facilities, counselors, and twelve step meetings—each undoubtedly a significant part of recovery. Often overlooked is the vital  roles diet and nutrition play in our ability to recover. Yet there is an impressive amount of research to back up the idea that […]

8 Ways to Handle Drug and Alcohol Cravings

8 Ways to Handle Drug and Alcohol Cravings

Dealing with cravings is one of the biggest challenges when recovering from addiction. Considering this, surprisingly little is known about cravings, what causes them, and how long they last. [] We do know they are typically linked to certain cues–people, places, and things we associate with drugs and alcohol. We also know that cravings aren’t […]

5 Common Dual Diagnoses

5 Common Dual Diagnoses

Most people who struggle with a substance use disorder also have a co-occurring mental health issue, or a dual diagnosis. According to the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, about 3.3 percent of all American adults had a dual diagnosis of addiction and another mental health issue. [] Some mental health issues can […]

4 Reasons to Practice Gratitude in Addiction Recovery

4 Reasons to Practice Gratitude in Addiction Recovery

Recovery from addiction is about much more than abstinence from drugs and alcohol. The strongest recovery is one based on living a happier and more fulfilling life. That requires making changes in your relationships, habits, and outlook. One way to significantly improve the quality of your life is to make a habit of practicing gratitude.  […]

Why Making Comparisons is Bad for Addiction Recovery

Why Making Comparisons is Bad for Addiction Recovery

It’s normal to feel a bit disoriented when you enter treatment for the first time or enter a specific program for the first time. The way most people respond to this kind of uncertainty is to start looking around at what others are doing. As a social species, we are strongly influenced by the opinions […]

5 Tips for Talking to Your Spouse About Their Drinking Problem

5 Tips for Talking to Your Spouse About Their Drinking Problem

Living with a spouse that has a drinking problem can be very stressful and emotionally draining.  If you have tried to confront your spouse about their drinking problem, only to find that it leads to a fight or seems to make the situation worse, you are not alone. Talking to a loved one about addiction […]

7 Ways to Support Your Loved One During their Inpatient Addiction Recovery

7 Ways to Support Your Loved One During their Inpatient Addiction Recovery

Watching your loved one struggle with addiction can make you feel helpless and heartbroken.  When they finally decide to seek professional help in the form of an inpatient recovery program, the emotions surrounding that decision can be very complex for everyone involved.  While you will surely be proud of them and hopeful for the future, […]



LMSW, LCDC | Counselor
Kristina Robertson serves as Counselor at Burning Tree Ranch. Holding both a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Social Work, Kristina’s greatest joy is “watching our clients learn to love themselves again.” An avid equestrian, mother to twenty-one horses, and all-around animal lover, Kristina serves as a bright shining example of long-term recovery in action. Her commitment to whole person health: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual makes her an invaluable member of the Burning Tree Ranch clinical team. As a distinguished Phi Theta Kappa and Alpha Zeta member, Kristina believes deeply in each client’s pursuit of becoming their best selves.

"who is a burning tree client?"

Beth Legacki, Burning Tree Ranch Alumni